Auckland Hang Gliding and Paragliding Club

NW Face Otakamiro Point Muriwai 19 January 2025

 As some members will know immediately before Christmas, we were finally successful in obtaining Council permission to again use the NW Face launch site on Otakamiro Point at Muriwai.

However, it transpired that the track access that Council proposed we use was totally unworkable.

I subsequently met with Wallis one of the rangers, walked the area and proposed an alternative which involved cutting a new access through 90m of over head-high flax. Wallis obtained Council agreement to this proposal, and big thank you to the efforts of Wallis, Joe Ward, Evan & Janice Lamberton & Robo Robinson who helped cut this plus cleared an area of the previous launch site Tuesday 14 January.

Apart from issues arising out of last year’s cyclone which caused the Council to close public access to Muriwai, and only progressively reopen these, there is another reason Council has been loathe to again allow public access to Otakamiro Point:  For more than ten years it had been known that a small number of grey faced petrels nested in the small forested valley of Otakamiro Point. As a result of volunteer activity at pest control by locals, less human activity through Covid and the recent closure, the number of petrels is slowly increasing with a second species also now sighted. The petrels come ashore at night, nesting under the roots of the trees in the forested valley, pretty much exactly where humans are most likely to walk. Their breeding cycle means the petrels and/or chicks are present for two thirds of the year. Human activity and pests, including dogs, are the major deterrent to the petrels’ continued existence.

Hence the Council is trying to restrict public access to this area and why it is important that we stick to the new track delineated in the attached map. The start of this track is marked with a blue tape on the flax at the top of the left hand bank. From there the track continues west past the water tanks (photo 1) and up a short rise (photo 2) to where the new cut track starts, (photo 3 ), again marked with a blue tape. N.B. both ends of the track are deliberately poorly defined as the Council is keen that it doesn’t become heavily used by the public – please do not be tempted to cut back the vegetation at these entrances.

Over the time that the launch has been closed there has been substantial growth of flax and other vegetation. Council gave consent for some clearing to take place to re-establish the launch site, but please don’t carry out any major additional clearing given the amount of interest in the area by local conservationists, pest control volunteers, Council and Iwi. In particular, respect the kumara pits located at the rear of the launch site.

Any queries please contact

Tony Seaman

Council Liaison

0274 933023

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

Clearing launch 14/1/2025

Moirs and Dills - are open again

Update 30 October 2024: Moirs and Dills are open again. Please refer to the site guide for access details.

Pakiri - beach access issues
Update 26 Feb 2024: Local Iwi have placed a rāhui on the beach. In light of how this rāhui is enforced it is recommended that anyone considering flying this site contact Tony Seaman for any update.
In the meantime the recommendation is that unless you are absolutely confident of top landing then do not launch, as Iwi consider all areas of beach and sand dunes currently out of bounds.

Muriwai NW Face remains closed
After liaising with Auckland Council (thanks Tony for your continued efforts!!), we received the following:
The Geotech reports have revealed that the land at both access points to Otakamiro Point is unstable
and in need of significant remedial work. As a result, the tracks will not be open this summer season.
Unfortunately, this means that your club members won't be able to access the site.

For details:
Media Release - Maukatia Access

We highlighted that we don't use that access track, but Council's concerns over safety still prevail.
And it would send mixed messages about access to the wider public.

So while we may have a few NW winds over the next few months, we won't be able to make use of
them at the NW face, that site remains closed!

Flying from the main Maukatia/Maori Bay site is still possible of course.

Draft - Site Monitor Expectations
Some time ago the discussion started within the Committee to define the 'Job Description' of a Site Monitor. The concept has always been there, but was never defined. This resulted in the drafting on the following document, setting out the expectations and framework around Site Monitors.
Current Site Monitors and all Members are welcome to comment on this draft.
See here for more information:
Site Monitor Expectations

Regional Parks - West: Closed until further notice
Auckland Council Notice

Maukatia - Maori Bay
After a long closure, access to and flying from Maukatia is now okay. Other areas, like the NW Face, are still closed.
See Site Guide page for Maukatia for more details.

Due to the severe effects of Cyclone Gabrielle, access to Piha is unavailable.
At this stage it is unknown how long this will be.
An assessment of the flying sites needs to be undertaken as well, to see if there is any damage to the site.
Please refrain from trying to access Piha until further notice.

Due to the severe effects of Cyclone Gabrielle, access to Karekare is unavailable.
At this stage it is unknown how long this will be.
An assessment of the flying site needs to be undertaken as well, to see if there is any damage to the site.
Please refrain from trying to access Karekare until further notice.


Club Events Calendar

The Club Events Google calendar is now viewable here. There are currently a number of placeholders for upcoming events, so keep these dates free and watch for further information in your inbox.